Brake pads are important - you don’t need them to go, but you do need them to stop. At Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL, we like to keep your vehicle stopping exactly as it should - it’s less dangerous, and it keeps insurance premiums low. So, how do you know if your brake pads are going bad? How do they work? What even are they? We’ve got the answers!
If you own a rear-wheel-drive car, truck, or SUV then your vehicle is equipped with a differential. Like any other component on your car, maintaining your differential is an important aspect of keeping your vehicle reliably on the road. From Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL, here’s what you need to know.
At Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL, we know that fuel contamination is one of the priciest and most problematic issues that may plague a diesel engine. There are a variety of issues that cause contamination in fuel. Knowing these issues will help drivers become aware of fuel contamination and hopefully prevent these issues.
If your transmission is slipping, what are your options? As you’ve seen, a variety of issues can cause a transmission to slip. Likewise, repairs differ widely depending on the issue. Our highly trained technicians at Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL can recommend your best options. Here are some steps you should take to make sure your repair is as simple and cost effective as possible.
At Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL, we understand that driving style affects your vehicle’s performance and reliability. You probably know that frequent, hard acceleration is bad for your engine and transmission, but what about speed?
At Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL, we understand how frustrating it is when your vehicle makes mysterious noises that it shouldn’t be making. Here’s a rundown on suspension bushings, to help you figure out what that sound is you keep hearing.
Your gas mileage mostly depends on what kind of car you drive; engine displacement and vehicle weight are the largest determining factors on gas mileage, and there’s not much you can do to change either of those. That doesn’t mean attempting to improve your fuel economy is a completely hopeless endeavor, however. With these tips from Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL, you might be surprised how much your fuel mileage can be improved.
At Palm Beach Performance in West Palm Beach, FL, we understand that no matter how well something is maintained, everything breaks eventually. Fortunately, our team of expert mechanics can repair just about anything, saving your business a lot of money in the process.
1761 Latham Rd
| West Palm Beach, FL
(561) 932-8840
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MON-FRI | 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Weekends | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM